Saturday, March 04, 2006

The great wheel

In Detroit, I met some old friends who recently had twins. Seeing old friends is something I never tire of, and I got to spend dinner with them and their parents whom I've known now for over 15 years as well as (literally) bounce their babies on my knee. After this I went to visit our close family friends who experienced a death in the family a few days ago of my Lila Ba (grandmother) to whom I'm not related but has been like family to me for over 20 years. She was suffering greatly in her final days from lung problems, so her passing was somewhat of a relief. She also was very particular and had made all arrangments for her services as well as her belongings well before her passing. She is survived by a husband of 55 years who doesn't really know what to do with himself, but is surrounded by family and very strong as well as maintaining some small amount of humor amidst the sadness. I'm glad she went peacefully and was emotionally prepared. We should all be so lucky. So in one evening there is birth and death and the wheel turns.

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